
Showing posts from 2021

Software Quality Assurance in software engineering

Software Quality Assurance (SQA):-  SQA is a set of activity assuring quality in software engineering process. Altimetry result in quality in software products. It include a following activities:- Process definition & implementation Auditing  Training  SQA is a process that insure hat developed software needs & compiles with defined or standardized quality specification. SQA is an on going process with in the SDLC that routinely checks the developed software to insure its needs desired quality measured. SQA helps to insure the development of high quality software. SQA practices are implementation in most type of software development regardless of underline software development model are being used. In a border sense SQA incorporate an implement software testing methodology to test software. SQA process test for quality in each phase of development until the software is completed. SQA genially works on one or more industries standards that helps in building software quality guid

Software Quality Assurance in software engineering

Software Quality Assurance (SQA):-  SQA is a set of activity assuring quality in software engineering process. Altimetry result in quality in software products. It include a following activities:- Process definition & implementation Auditing  Training  SQA is a process that insure hat developed software needs & compiles with defined or standardized quality specification. SQA is an on going process with in the SDLC that routinely checks the developed software to insure its needs desired quality measured. SQA helps to insure the development of high quality software. SQA practices are implementation in most type of software development regardless of underline software development model are being used. In a border sense SQA incorporate an implement software testing methodology to test software. SQA process test for quality in each phase of development until the software is completed. SQA genially works on one or more industries standards that helps in building software quality guid

what is Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Features of DFD, Zero '0' level DFD, First '1' level DFD and Boehm's definition of organic, semi-detached and embedded system in software engineering

Data Flow Diagram (DFD):-  It is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information system modeling, modeling its process expect. A DFD is of an use as a skip to create an overview of the system. Without going into great details, which can later elaborate. DFD is also use for the visualization data processing (structured design). Features of DFD:-  A DFD shows what kind of information will be input and output from the system and how the data will advance through the system and where the data will be stored it dose not shows information about process timing or whether process will operate in sequence or in parallel unlike a traditional structured flow chart will focuses on control flow activity which presents both controls and data flow as a unified model. Zero '0' level DFD:-  A context diagram is a top level also known as zero level DFD. It only content one process note(process '0') that generalized the function of entire system in a relationship to

System analyst, role of system analyst, responsibility of software engineers in software engineering

System Analyst:-  A computer system analyst helps a company or other organizations use computer technology effectively. He or she in corporate new technologies into a companies current system after doing a cost benefits analysis to determine whether it is financially sound & will several the entity well.               There are three types of computer system analyst- System designer or architect find technical solution that match a companies or organizations long term goal. Software & diagnose problem in computer system programmer analyst developed & write code for software that needs their employer or clients need. Role of system analyst:-  A system analyst  is a person who uses analysis & design techniques to solve business problems using the information technology system. System analyst may serve as change agents who identify the organization or organizational improvement needed, designed system to implement those changes & train others motivate also to use the s

Software Inspection, Inspection Process, Stages of Inspection Process, Role of Inspection, Software engineering

Software Inspection:-  Inspection in software engineering refers to peer review of any work product by trained individual who looks for defect using a well defined process. An inspection is one of the most common sort of review practices found in software projects. The goal of the inspection is to identify defect. Commonly inspected works products include software requirements specification & test plan. In an inspection, a work product is selected for review the work product in an inspection the meeting by reading the work product & noting each defect.                                                                                                                                            In an inspection, a defect is any part of the work product that will keep an inspector from approving it. Ex:- If the team is inspecting software requirements specification each defect will be text in the document which an inspector disagree. Inspection Process:-  The inspection process was de

Computer Added Software Engineering (CASE), features of Computer Added Software Engineering (CASE), Computer Added Software Engineering (CASE) tools in Software engineering

  Computer Added Software Engineering (CASE) It describe a broadest of label, saving tools used in software development. These create a framework for managing project and intended to help the users stay organized & improve productivity. There was more interest in the concept of CASE tools years ago, but let so today as the tools have different function of and in reaction to software development needs. The concept of CASE also received a heavy dose of critics after its heavy days. Features of CASE:- CASE tool, which are some times called integrated-CASE or ICASE. Tools cover all aspects of the software development life cycle which includes the writing code, implementation & maintenance.  The tools help in every aspect of the development work- Managing  Modules  Error checking Version control Designing  Diagramming tool Prototyping and other aspect associated with software engineering  Compling & testing tool are also consider parts of CASE tool set. CASE Tools:-  It are used

Spiral Model in Software engineering

  Spiral Model:-  The spiral model is a risk driven software development process model. Based on unique risk patterns of given project, the spiral model guides a team to adopt elements of one more process model such as waterfall model or evolutionary prototype. This model was first described by “Barry Bohem” in is 1986 paper. The spiral is a sequence of waterfall increment. The spiral model for software engineering has been developed to couples the best feature of both the classical life cycle & prototype model in this model software is developed in series of incremental relies, Which may be paper model or prototype model. The spiral life cycle model is one of the most flexible SDLC model in place. Development can be determined by the project manager according to the complexity of the project. Project monitoring is very easy & effective. Each phase as well as each use require a review from concerned people this makes the model more transparent. Risk management is one of i

Cohesion & Coupling in software engineering

 Cohesion & Coupling Coupling:-  It is the measures of the degree of interdependence between modules a good software will have low coupling. Data Coupling:-  If the dependency between the modules is based on the fact that they communicate by passing only data. Than the modules are said to be data coupled. In this coupling the components are interdependence to each other through data, Stamp Coupling:-  In this coupling the complete data structure is passed from one to another module. There fore it involves tramp data. It may be necessary due to efficiency factor this choice made by the inside full designer, not a lazy program. Control Coupling:-  If the modules communicate by passing control information than they are said to be control couple. It can be bed if parameter indicates completely, Different behavior & good. If parameter allows factoring & reuse of functionality. External Coupling:-  In this the modules depends on other modules external to the software being develo

prototype model and its phases in software engineering

Prototype Model:- The developer use the prototype model to refine the requirement & prepare the final specification documents. Because the working prototype has been evaluated by the customer, it is reasonable to expect that the resulting specification document will be correct. When the prototype model is created, it is reviewed by the customer the developers developed the prototype model to speed up the software development process. The prototype model is developed to improve the requirement in this prototype model if the users & clients are not satisfied than model will not stop. Different phases of prototype model:- Requirement:-  A prototype model begins with the requirement analysis & the requirements are defined in days. Quick Design:-  When requirements are known quick design for the system is created. It is not a detailed design & includes only the important expects of the system which gives an idea of the system to the user. A quick design helps in developing t

Fourth Generation Of Techniques in computer enginnering

  Fourth Generation Of Techniques:- Software developers to represent the desired result in a manner that leads to automatic generation of code to create those result. Obesely a data structure with relevant information must exist & be readily accessible by the 4th GT. To transform the 4GT implementation into a product, the developer must conduct proof testing, developing, meaningful documentation & perform all the other solution integration activities that are required in other software engineering. In addition the 4GT developed software must be built in a manner that unable maintance to be perform. Advantage:- Simplify the programming process. Use natural language that impose no rigid grammatical rules.    Use non procedural language that users and programmers to specify the result they want, while the computer determine the sequence of introduction that will accomplish those results. Disadvantage:- Less flexible than other languages. Programs written in fourth generation langu

Alpha Testing, Beta Testing

Alpha Testing:-  It is done before the launch of the software products into the market. Alpha testing performed by the tester who are usually internal employee of the organization. It usually comes after system testing an involves both. White box testing & black box testing. The company employee test the software for functionality & gives the feedback. After this testing phase of any functions & features may be added to the software. Beta Testing:-  It is done at the time of the software product marketing. Bita testing is the second phase of software testing. In which sampling of the intended ordinance try the product out.  Beta testing is performed by the clients or end-users who are not the employee of the organizations. Beta testing is considered to be the last quality assurance (QA) step in the software testing & process. 

White Box Testing, Black Box Testing

Black Box Testing:- It is a software testing method in which the initial structure design, implementation of the item being tested is not known to the tester. Black box testing mainly applicable to the higher level of testing acceptance testing, system testing. It generally independent software tester.  Programming knowledge is not required. Implementation knowledge also not required. White Box Testing:- It is a software testing method in which the internal structured, designs, implementation of the item is being known to the tester. In white box testing tester knows about the internal structure & programming to. White box testing mainly applicable to lower level of testing such as unit testing & integration testing.  The important part in this is at the starting phase of software development we can know about the error arises at the time of developing software. This testing is also known as open or glass box testing & also called structural testing.

Software testing, Software testing principals

Software testing:-  It is a program intended to find errors. It is a process to evaluate the functionality of a software application with an intent to find weather the developed software meet the specified required or not & to product is defect free in order to produce the quality product. Software testing principals:- Testing is a process which shows the presence of defect in the application. Exhaustive testing is impossible:-There is less possibility of testing with combinations of input, data, test & cinereous & recondition as they will take more time to test the process. Therefore the testing team can use some important testing criteria instead of doing exhausting testing. Testing activities will be conducted in the software or system development life cycle to find the defects as soon as possible. If errors are found in an initial stage of the development life cycle then it will be easier & cheaper to fixed the errors. Testing is context development . It approach de

Write a program to Print 1 22 333 4444 55555 series in C++ ?

 Q:- Write a program to Print 1 22 333 4444 55555 series in C++ ? Ans:-  #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i,j; clrscr(); for(i=1;i<=5;i++) { for(j=1;j<=i;j++) { cout<<"i"; } cout<<" "; } getch(); }

Write a program in C++ to print pyramid with star (*) ?

 Q. Write a program in C++ to print pyramid  with star (*) ?        Ans:- #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i,j,k; clrscr(); for(i=1;i<=5;i++) { for(j=1;j<=5-1;j++) { cout<<" "; } for(k=1;k<i*2;k++) { cout<<"*"; } cout<<"\n"; } getch(); }

what is software, characteristics of software

Software:-  Software is a define as a collection of programs documentation and operating procedures . The institute of electronic & electrical engineering (IEEE). We can say collection of computer programs procedures, rules & associate documentation data. It phases no mass , no value & n color which makes  it non-degradable, entity for a long period. 1. Software dose not wear out or get tired. 2. Software controls, integrates & massage the hardware components of a computer system. 3. It also instruct the computer what needs to we done to perform specific task & how it is to be          done.  Software characteristics:- Functionality:- Refers to the degree of performance of the software against its indeed purpose. Reliability:- Refers to the ability of the software to provide desire functionality under the given condition. Usability:- Refers to ability of software to use system resources in the most effective & efficient manner. Portability:- Refers to the case w

Floating point representation, Advantages of floating point representation in computer architecture

 Floating point representation:- In computing floating point describe a method of representing a real number in a way that can support a wide range of value. Number are in general represented approximately to a fixed number of significant digits & scaled using expenses.                                                                                                        The base of further scaling is normally 2,10 or 16 the typical number that can be represented exactly in the form of significant digit into base to the exponent. The term floating point refer to the fact that the radix point (decimal point or more commonly in the computer binary point) can float that is it can be placed anywhere relative to the significant digit of the number.   Advantages of floating point representation:- It over the fixed point an integer representation is that it can support a much wide range of value. Eg:- A fixed point representation that has 7 decimal digit with 2 decimal places can represen

What is computer, characteristics of computer, elements of computers

Computer:-  It is an electronic device which process information based upon the instructions. Provides & generate the decide output. Computer is an electrical device which means its able to process arithmetic or logical operation based on the feeder instructions. Computer elements:- Hardware software people Producer  Data information  Memory:-  Enables a computer to store the data & programs temporary . Mass storage device:-  Used for permanently retail large amount of data. Eg:- Pen drive, Hard disk, CD, DVD, etc. Input device:-  The device use for entering data or instruction to the computer are called input device. Eg:- Key Board, Mouse, etc. Output device:-  It let us to see the result or output which the computer has generate. Eg:- Monitor, Printer. CPU:-  It is the most important component we can also say that CPU is the heart of computer which execute the instructions. Characteristics of Computer:- Automatic speed Accuracy Versatility  No feeling Flexibility   

types of computers, mini computer, mainframe, micro, super computer

Types of Computers:- Super computer:-  Fastest calculating device can process the data in neno pico second. Use to create & analysis models and nuclear fusions & fission, producing action & reaction of millions of all atoms as they react. Helps in analyzing weather patterns & global worming & the depletion of earth ozone layer, can store very large amount of data. Mainframe Computer:-  Higher connectivity, fastest through puts & large data processing capabilities, also support large capacity disk can connect over 256 terminal. Process large number of application library for helping to application developers have the capability of addressing large memory size as compare to mini computer. Mini Computer:-  It also support multi user environment, use for resource sharing, memory size is large , support multiple terminal. Bit using high performance & high capability process. Provide to connect multiple printer. Micro Computer:-  It is smallest least expensive, th

Programming language of computer, types of computer language

 Programming language of computer:- A program is a set of instruction which is executed by a computer. A programming language consist of all the symbols, characters, usages rule which  permits the people to communicate with computer programming language are classified into two languages. Low level language:-  It is closer to the machine architecture & it varies from machine to machine.  There are two types of low level language:-  A. Machine language  B. Assembly language     A. Machine language:- It contains string of binary number (0's and 1's compliment) is machine development the machine language for every processor is different.     B. Assembly language:- An  assembly language  is a type of low-level  programming language  that is intended to communicate directly with a  computer's  hardware. Unlike machine  language , which consists of binary and hexadecimal characters,  assembly languages  are designed to be readable by humans.      2. High level language:-  This

Software development life cycle ,SDLC in software engineering

SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle):- The system development life cycle also referred as to the application of development of life cycle is a done use in system engineering of software engineering. Phases of SDLC:- Gathering and analysis  Design Implementation of coding Testing Deployment  Maintenance Gathering and Analysis:- This is the first level of software development life cycle in this stage at the first all the information or gathered once then after analysis of information is taken. After gathering information the analysis is taking because to know what kind of software we have to developed by analyzing we come to know about software knowledge. Design:- After completing  the first step which was of gathering information an than analyzing them. Now we come for designing is the very much important role in SDLC. In this point we design a good quality of software. Implementation:- It is also most important point of SDLC. After designing the codes of software there comes implemen

OSI model, TCP/IP model in computer network

 OSI Model:- It has 7 layer. Transport layer guarantees the delivery of data. It is less reliable. OSI is a general model. Follows horizontal approach.   Its has a separate presentation layer. OSI has problem of fitting the protocol in the model. Protocol are hidden in OSI model & are easily replaced as the technology change. Networks layer of OSI model provided both connection less service. OSI model separate interface & protocol clearly. TCP/IP Model:- It has 4 layer. Transport layer does not guarantees the delivery of data. It is more reliable. TCP/IP cannot use any other application hence it is not general model. Follows vertical approach. No separate presentation layer. TCP/IP model dose not fit any protocol. IN TCP/IP replacing protocol is not easy. The network layer of TCP/IP provides only connectionless services. TCP/IP model dose not separate services, interface and protocol clearly.  

Computer network, bridge, switch, router, hub

Computer Networks:- Bridge:-  Used to connect multiple network or LAN segment. Filter data traffic. Bridge reduce the amount of traffic on a LAN by dividing it into two segment. It has two collision domain. Bridge are used in data link layer. Switch:- Layer two device. Full duplex. Maintain CAM table (Content Addressable Memory). First broadcast them unicast & multicast. Every port of switch is separate collision domain. Switch has one broadcast domain. 8/16/24/48 parts. HUB:- Layer 1 device. Electrical signal or bits. Half duplex. Command store MAC. Always broadcast. Signal collision domain. LAN device. Active & passive HUB. Router:- Layer-3 device. WAN device. Connect two or more network. Internetworking device. In router, every port has its own broadcast domain. Uses IP address, send in from of packet. Maintain routing table. 2/4/8 ports.    

Relationship in DBMS, Categories in DBMS

  Relationship:-  A relationship can be defined as a connection or set of association or a rule for communication among entities. Eg:- In the college database the association between "students opts course". The degree of a relationship type is the no. of participating entity type. The relationship between two entity is called binary relationship. A relationship among three entities is called ternary relationship similarly relationship among n entities is called n-ry relationship. Relationship Cordiality:-  It specific the no. of instances of an entity associated with another entity participating  in a relationship base on the cardinality binary relationship can be further classified into the following categories:- One to One:-  An entity in A is associate with one number of entity with another entity in B. One college can have one principal & one principal can be assigned one college. One to Many:-  An entity in A is associated with any no. of entities in B. An entity in

Types of attributes in DBMS, derived, single valued, simple, multivalued, stored, composite

 Types of Attributes:- Simple Attribute:-  The attributes that cannot be further divided in to smaller part an represents the basic meaning is called a simple attributes. Eg:- Age attributes of person entity represent a simple attribute. Composite Attribute:-  Attribute that can be further divided into smaller unit & each individual unit contains a specific meaning. Eg:- Name attribute of an employ can be sub divided. Multivalued Attribute:-  Attribute that have more than one values for a particular entity is called a multivalued attributes. Eg:- Phone no. for a person entity is a multivalued entity. Stored Attributes:-  Attribute that are directly stored attribute. Eg:- Date of joining attributes of employ entity.  Single valued attribute:-  Attribute having a single value for a particular entity. Eg:- Age is an single valued attribute of a student entity. Derived Attribute:-  Attributes are not stored directly but  can be derived from stored attributes are called derived attribut

E-R model (Entity-Relationship model) in DBMS, Attributes

 E-R Model (Entity-Relationship Model) :- It a  high level conceptual data model.  It allows us to describe the data involved in a real world inter price , in terms of objects & there relationship. It is validly used to developed an initial design of data base it provides a set of useful concepts that make it convenient for a developer. It describes data as a collection of entities relationship & attributes. Entities:- An entities is an object of consult used to represent the things in the real word. Eg:- Car, Table, etc. An entity need not be a physical entity it can also represent a concept in real words. Eg:- Project, Loan, etc. Entity Set:- A collection of similar kind of entities is called an entity set all entity type -> In college  database students, faculty, Course & Department are consort of check. The collection of all the students similarly collection of all course from an entity set course. Entity Identifier key attributes:- An entity type usually has an attr