Software Quality Assurance in software engineering

Software Quality Assurance (SQA):-  SQA is a set of activity assuring quality in software engineering process. Altimetry result in quality in software products. It include a following activities:- Process definition & implementation Auditing  Training  SQA is a process that insure hat developed software needs & compiles with defined or standardized quality specification. SQA is an on going process with in the SDLC that routinely checks the developed software to insure its needs desired quality measured. SQA helps to insure the development of high quality software. SQA practices are implementation in most type of software development regardless of underline software development model are being used. In a border sense SQA incorporate an implement software testing methodology to test software. SQA process test for quality in each phase of development until the software is completed. SQA genially works on one or more industries standards that helps in building softwar...

Programming language of computer, types of computer language

 Programming language of computer:-

A program is a set of instruction which is executed by a computer. A programming language consist of all the symbols, characters, usages rule which  permits the people to communicate with computer programming language are classified into two languages.

  1. Low level language:- 

It is closer to the machine architecture & it varies from machine to machine. 

There are two types of low level language:- 

A. Machine language 

B. Assembly language

    A. Machine language:-

It contains string of binary number (0's and 1's compliment) is machine development the machine language for every processor is different. 

   B. Assembly language:-

An assembly language is a type of low-level programming language that is intended to communicate directly with a computer's hardware. Unlike machine language, which consists of binary and hexadecimal characters, assembly languages are designed to be readable by humans.

     2. High level language:- 

This language are independent from the architecture of machine & it is best suited for solving the problems. Now a day's we have 200+ high level language, which are use in developing software for different areas some famous high level language are- C, C++, Java, etc.



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